Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How does installing a new version of Mac OS X work?

Q. I want to buy the new version of Mac OS X when it releases, but wanted to know a few things:
1. Does installing a new OS erase my Hard Drive?
2. When I install the new OS, will it erase the old OS from my system?
3. Is an Operating System stored on the Hard Drive?


A. Installing or upgrading to a new version of Mac OS does not erase your hard drive. If you select erase and install your hard drive will format and your data will be wiped. When you install a new OS, you are doing an upgrade. Additional and new features are added to your actual installed OS, and making it up to date with the latest features of the new OS. Yes, an operating system is stored on the hard drive. From my experience I upgraded my mac two times. From Mac os x 10.2 to 10.3 to 10.4, and I never had a problem.

How can i install mac os x onto my computer as a duel boot?
Q. i would like to use mac software on my awesome pc hardware. is there a place to get a mac os x?

A. You cannot install Mac OS X on any non-Apple hardware. Doing so would not only be a crime, but it will also not work; you would be spending more time pulling out your hair trying to make it work, and you'd certainly get no support from Apple.

If you want to use Mac OS X, you need to buy a Mac; it's that simple.

What is the easiest way to install Mac OS X on a PC?
Q. I have a Windows Vista computer and would like to install Mac OS X Leopard on the PC. I have an original copy of Leopard with me, but I wonder whether there are any softwares that aid the process or helps me install Mac OS X on a PC, like what Wubi (http://wubi-installer.org/) does. If not, what alternatives are there to do likewise?

A. The fact that you "have an original copy of Leopard" doesn't matter, OS X only runs on Apple hardware. Any attempt to do otherwise is illegal.

If you want OS X, BUY a Mac. Then, you can run a legal copy of Windows on a Mac.

FYI: No VMware supports the use of OS X, because they'd get their butts sued off! That includes Wubi, though not technically VMware.

How do I get a Mac OS X Leopard to run from an external hard drive on a Windows Computer?
Q. I recently installed Mac OS X on an external hard drive.
I wish to boot it on a Windows computer,
I have checked the BIOS and had it configured so that it runs from the USB Drive,
but it's not loading, the only visible object on the monitor is a blinking underscore key.

A. You can't MACOSX is very hardware specific and will not run on your PC because none of your hardware meets Apples OS requirments.

Thats why MAC OS runs only on MAC's otherwise apple would be selling it to install on your PC wouldn't they.

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How do I get a Mac OS X Leopard to run from an external hard drive on a Windows Computer?

Q. I recently installed Mac OS X on an external hard drive.
I wish to boot it on a Windows computer,
I have checked the BIOS and had it configured so that it runs from the USB Drive,
but it's not loading, the only visible object on the monitor is a blinking underscore key.

A. You can't MACOSX is very hardware specific and will not run on your PC because none of your hardware meets Apples OS requirments.

Thats why MAC OS runs only on MAC's otherwise apple would be selling it to install on your PC wouldn't they.

How much would a screen crack in Mac OS X cost to repair?
Q. The screen in my Mac Os X just cracked. The version is 10.4.11. Does anyone know is it repairable and how much would the repair cost?

A. It depends on what Mac you have and there's not much anyone will be able to do without seeing it. An LCD replacement could be between $500-$800 so there's a chance you'll be better off getting a new machine...

What software do I need to install mac os x snow leopard on Pc without virtualization and dvd?
Q. I already have the iso file of the snow leopard. But what software do I need to install, to use mac os x snow leopard without DVD and Virtualization technology, because my pc doesnt have it.


A. A Mac.

How Can I Replace Mac OS X for My Mac With a Linux Distribution?
Q. I have Mac OS X and I like it OK, but I want to have a dual boot and transition to Linux. How would I buy a Linux distribution for Mac hardware. This seems to me to be a much more secure solution.

A. Mac hardware is Intel based these days, so you would use the same x86 download as for a PC.

And while you can have a CD sent through the mail, it's easier and free to download it yourself. Have you picked a distribution yet? I suggest Ubuntu.
It's a good distribution for beginners. It's well documented, has a large support base, and it's easy to use.

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How can I install Snow leopard with a blank cd?

Q. I have the snow leopard installer on my laptop, but I tried to put it on a cd, then when I did so, I tried booting with the cd and it wouldn't let me (The way where you press 'c' on start up). It just went straight to the start menu, how do I do it?

A. What the hell? What makes you think that just the installer is all it takes?? That's utterly absurd. The installer is a tiny portion of what is actually on the Snow Leopard disc. To copy it off you'd need to clone the whole Snow Leopard disc to a dual layer DVD. You can do absolutely NOTHING with just the installer. How the hell do you think such a small file could install an entire OS all by itself in the first place?

Can I use my Snow Leopard disk to perform a clean install?
Q. I am planning to use DNUKE to erase my HD and reinstall snow leopard, but I would be using the Snow Leopard disk from the apple store that I used to upgrade my macbook from Leopard to snow leopard.

My question is after I DNUKE the hard drive, can I use the snow leopard disk to install the OS or do I need to find the disk that originally came with my macbook and then use snow leopard to upgrade from leopard again?

A. duh you can do a fresh install fine........I have like 300 macs (i fix & refurbish) just the snow leopard disc is needed

What happens to my data when I upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard?
Q. I would like to upgrade my mac to Snow Leopard to have access to more recent programs and abilities. I was wondering if my data would get affected in any way. For example, if my text files would be erased or if my games/programs would be deleted.

A. NO they will be fine

the only problem you will have is if you have a 3rd party program

Like Quicken they did not have support for it but have fixed it.

So all issues have been fixed by developers, Wait till 28th Mountain lion is coming out.

But If your worried go for Snow Leopard if your computer can handle the RAM.

Can i use iboot to install snow leopard on an external hard drive?
Q. I have an hp computer with an intel chipset. i would like to install snow leopard on either the internal hard drive alongside windows or on an external hard drive. is this possible? if so how can i do this.

A. The USB connection to the external HDD would be a huge bottleneck. It may work, but you're likely going to run into some isssues. Also you would have to make sure that all your hardware is supported by snow leopard. Not all PC hardware has a corresponding mac driver.

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How can I get the mac app store without paying for snow leopard?

Q. I've tried looking at all the youtube videos and Ive come close but have ultimaltely been unsuccessful... Can anybody give me step by step instructions on how to download snow leopard for free... Its rediculous that you have to pay 30$ to get snow leopard so that you can use the mac app store.

A. Plain and simple, you have to buy Snow Leopard. You will get improved security, software that better interacts with your hardware, and it only costs $30. Plus, if you don't have Snow Leopard, there will be no way to upgrade to Lion, since it would require the Mac App Store. It'll be worth it, trust me.

After upgrading to Snow Leopard, why would one be unable to install The Sims 3 from the disk?
Q. Prior to installing Snow Leopard, the installation worked properly. Post-installation, however, attempting to open the game results in a program crash. Have tried repeatedly to reinstall, with no luck. Any ideas?

A. " I have the Seritek/2SE2-E PCIe card installed in my Mac Pro 2.8GHz (8-core) with a SeriTek/2EN2 enclosure connected. The 5.3.2 driver worked with the 32 bit kernel but not the 64 bit. Now with the 64 bit kernel (and 5.4.0 drivers) loaded the drives in the enclosure appear.
An added bonus of the new driver is that the eSATA drives now show up in Temperature Monitor. I couldn't get the drive temperatures under Leopard or Snow Leopard using the 5.3.2 driver.
I can also report another nice Snow Leopard bonus. Under Leopard I could not get my Logitech Clear Chat PC Wireless headset to work with Speech Recognition. The Calibrate dialogue box in System Preferences>Speech>Speech Recognition just would not respond when I tried any of the commands listed. The headset microphone worked with internet telephony (Gizmo5) but not Speech Recognition. Under Snow Leopard Speech Recognition now works. The Calibrate dialogue box responds and I can use the headset to verbally launch apps or close windows among other things. I am very happy with Snow Leopard.

The only glitch I have seen so far is the video anomalies in Safari when using the Top Sites window to surf. Before most sites load (including xlr8yourmac.com) I briefly see a solid grey window with vertical stripes of different colours. For some reason this does not happen with macupdate.com. (I have an ATI 4870 in my Mac Pro btw.)

How can I install Snow leopard with a blank cd?
Q. I have the snow leopard installer on my laptop, but I tried to put it on a cd, then when I did so, I tried booting with the cd and it wouldn't let me (The way where you press 'c' on start up). It just went straight to the start menu, how do I do it?

A. What the hell? What makes you think that just the installer is all it takes?? That's utterly absurd. The installer is a tiny portion of what is actually on the Snow Leopard disc. To copy it off you'd need to clone the whole Snow Leopard disc to a dual layer DVD. You can do absolutely NOTHING with just the installer. How the hell do you think such a small file could install an entire OS all by itself in the first place?

Can I use my Snow Leopard disk to perform a clean install?
Q. I am planning to use DNUKE to erase my HD and reinstall snow leopard, but I would be using the Snow Leopard disk from the apple store that I used to upgrade my macbook from Leopard to snow leopard.

My question is after I DNUKE the hard drive, can I use the snow leopard disk to install the OS or do I need to find the disk that originally came with my macbook and then use snow leopard to upgrade from leopard again?

A. duh you can do a fresh install fine........I have like 300 macs (i fix & refurbish) just the snow leopard disc is needed

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How can I install Snow leopard with a blank cd?

Q. I have the snow leopard installer on my laptop, but I tried to put it on a cd, then when I did so, I tried booting with the cd and it wouldn't let me (The way where you press 'c' on start up). It just went straight to the start menu, how do I do it?

A. What the hell? What makes you think that just the installer is all it takes?? That's utterly absurd. The installer is a tiny portion of what is actually on the Snow Leopard disc. To copy it off you'd need to clone the whole Snow Leopard disc to a dual layer DVD. You can do absolutely NOTHING with just the installer. How the hell do you think such a small file could install an entire OS all by itself in the first place?

Can I use my Snow Leopard disk to perform a clean install?
Q. I am planning to use DNUKE to erase my HD and reinstall snow leopard, but I would be using the Snow Leopard disk from the apple store that I used to upgrade my macbook from Leopard to snow leopard.

My question is after I DNUKE the hard drive, can I use the snow leopard disk to install the OS or do I need to find the disk that originally came with my macbook and then use snow leopard to upgrade from leopard again?

A. duh you can do a fresh install fine........I have like 300 macs (i fix & refurbish) just the snow leopard disc is needed

What happens to my data when I upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard?
Q. I would like to upgrade my mac to Snow Leopard to have access to more recent programs and abilities. I was wondering if my data would get affected in any way. For example, if my text files would be erased or if my games/programs would be deleted.

A. NO they will be fine

the only problem you will have is if you have a 3rd party program

Like Quicken they did not have support for it but have fixed it.

So all issues have been fixed by developers, Wait till 28th Mountain lion is coming out.

But If your worried go for Snow Leopard if your computer can handle the RAM.

Can i use iboot to install snow leopard on an external hard drive?
Q. I have an hp computer with an intel chipset. i would like to install snow leopard on either the internal hard drive alongside windows or on an external hard drive. is this possible? if so how can i do this.

A. The USB connection to the external HDD would be a huge bottleneck. It may work, but you're likely going to run into some isssues. Also you would have to make sure that all your hardware is supported by snow leopard. Not all PC hardware has a corresponding mac driver.

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What is the difference with the Snow Leopard and the Server?

Q. I am getting the Snow Leopard for sure but I noticed the really cool looking blue colored one that said server. But I don't get what it is. I think it is also more expensive. What's the difference?

A. The snow leopard (Panthera uncia or Uncia uncia), sometimes known as "ounce," is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia. The classification of this species has been subject to change and its exact taxonomic position will not be resolved until further studies are conducted.

It cannot roar, despite possessing an incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone. The presence of this ossification was previously thought to be essential for allowing the big cats to roar. However, new studies show that the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx, which are absent in the snow leopard


How can I get the mac app store without paying for snow leopard?
Q. I've tried looking at all the youtube videos and Ive come close but have ultimaltely been unsuccessful... Can anybody give me step by step instructions on how to download snow leopard for free... Its rediculous that you have to pay 30$ to get snow leopard so that you can use the mac app store.

A. Plain and simple, you have to buy Snow Leopard. You will get improved security, software that better interacts with your hardware, and it only costs $30. Plus, if you don't have Snow Leopard, there will be no way to upgrade to Lion, since it would require the Mac App Store. It'll be worth it, trust me.

After upgrading to Snow Leopard, why would one be unable to install The Sims 3 from the disk?
Q. Prior to installing Snow Leopard, the installation worked properly. Post-installation, however, attempting to open the game results in a program crash. Have tried repeatedly to reinstall, with no luck. Any ideas?

A. " I have the Seritek/2SE2-E PCIe card installed in my Mac Pro 2.8GHz (8-core) with a SeriTek/2EN2 enclosure connected. The 5.3.2 driver worked with the 32 bit kernel but not the 64 bit. Now with the 64 bit kernel (and 5.4.0 drivers) loaded the drives in the enclosure appear.
An added bonus of the new driver is that the eSATA drives now show up in Temperature Monitor. I couldn't get the drive temperatures under Leopard or Snow Leopard using the 5.3.2 driver.
I can also report another nice Snow Leopard bonus. Under Leopard I could not get my Logitech Clear Chat PC Wireless headset to work with Speech Recognition. The Calibrate dialogue box in System Preferences>Speech>Speech Recognition just would not respond when I tried any of the commands listed. The headset microphone worked with internet telephony (Gizmo5) but not Speech Recognition. Under Snow Leopard Speech Recognition now works. The Calibrate dialogue box responds and I can use the headset to verbally launch apps or close windows among other things. I am very happy with Snow Leopard.

The only glitch I have seen so far is the video anomalies in Safari when using the Top Sites window to surf. Before most sites load (including xlr8yourmac.com) I briefly see a solid grey window with vertical stripes of different colours. For some reason this does not happen with macupdate.com. (I have an ATI 4870 in my Mac Pro btw.)

How can I install Snow leopard with a blank cd?
Q. I have the snow leopard installer on my laptop, but I tried to put it on a cd, then when I did so, I tried booting with the cd and it wouldn't let me (The way where you press 'c' on start up). It just went straight to the start menu, how do I do it?

A. What the hell? What makes you think that just the installer is all it takes?? That's utterly absurd. The installer is a tiny portion of what is actually on the Snow Leopard disc. To copy it off you'd need to clone the whole Snow Leopard disc to a dual layer DVD. You can do absolutely NOTHING with just the installer. How the hell do you think such a small file could install an entire OS all by itself in the first place?

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What is the difference with the Snow Leopard and the Server?

Q. I am getting the Snow Leopard for sure but I noticed the really cool looking blue colored one that said server. But I don't get what it is. I think it is also more expensive. What's the difference?

A. The snow leopard (Panthera uncia or Uncia uncia), sometimes known as "ounce," is a moderately large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia. The classification of this species has been subject to change and its exact taxonomic position will not be resolved until further studies are conducted.

It cannot roar, despite possessing an incomplete ossification of the hyoid bone. The presence of this ossification was previously thought to be essential for allowing the big cats to roar. However, new studies show that the ability to roar is due to other morphological features, especially of the larynx, which are absent in the snow leopard


How can I get the mac app store without paying for snow leopard?
Q. I've tried looking at all the youtube videos and Ive come close but have ultimaltely been unsuccessful... Can anybody give me step by step instructions on how to download snow leopard for free... Its rediculous that you have to pay 30$ to get snow leopard so that you can use the mac app store.

A. Plain and simple, you have to buy Snow Leopard. You will get improved security, software that better interacts with your hardware, and it only costs $30. Plus, if you don't have Snow Leopard, there will be no way to upgrade to Lion, since it would require the Mac App Store. It'll be worth it, trust me.

After upgrading to Snow Leopard, why would one be unable to install The Sims 3 from the disk?
Q. Prior to installing Snow Leopard, the installation worked properly. Post-installation, however, attempting to open the game results in a program crash. Have tried repeatedly to reinstall, with no luck. Any ideas?

A. " I have the Seritek/2SE2-E PCIe card installed in my Mac Pro 2.8GHz (8-core) with a SeriTek/2EN2 enclosure connected. The 5.3.2 driver worked with the 32 bit kernel but not the 64 bit. Now with the 64 bit kernel (and 5.4.0 drivers) loaded the drives in the enclosure appear.
An added bonus of the new driver is that the eSATA drives now show up in Temperature Monitor. I couldn't get the drive temperatures under Leopard or Snow Leopard using the 5.3.2 driver.
I can also report another nice Snow Leopard bonus. Under Leopard I could not get my Logitech Clear Chat PC Wireless headset to work with Speech Recognition. The Calibrate dialogue box in System Preferences>Speech>Speech Recognition just would not respond when I tried any of the commands listed. The headset microphone worked with internet telephony (Gizmo5) but not Speech Recognition. Under Snow Leopard Speech Recognition now works. The Calibrate dialogue box responds and I can use the headset to verbally launch apps or close windows among other things. I am very happy with Snow Leopard.

The only glitch I have seen so far is the video anomalies in Safari when using the Top Sites window to surf. Before most sites load (including xlr8yourmac.com) I briefly see a solid grey window with vertical stripes of different colours. For some reason this does not happen with macupdate.com. (I have an ATI 4870 in my Mac Pro btw.)

How can I install Snow leopard with a blank cd?
Q. I have the snow leopard installer on my laptop, but I tried to put it on a cd, then when I did so, I tried booting with the cd and it wouldn't let me (The way where you press 'c' on start up). It just went straight to the start menu, how do I do it?

A. What the hell? What makes you think that just the installer is all it takes?? That's utterly absurd. The installer is a tiny portion of what is actually on the Snow Leopard disc. To copy it off you'd need to clone the whole Snow Leopard disc to a dual layer DVD. You can do absolutely NOTHING with just the installer. How the hell do you think such a small file could install an entire OS all by itself in the first place?

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